C-GHPD departing off Runway 10 Friday 11th August 

Air Canada has announced that it’s developing plans to launch a new LCC (Low-cost carrier) carrier in 2013 focusing on leisure markets with a fleet comprising of 30 Airbus A319s and 20 Boeing 767-300ER’s which will be transfered from it’s mainline operation when leases are to due expire in the next 24-36 months after the airline reached new labour agreements. The new LCC subsidary will operate routes to Caribbean, Florida ,Las Vegas and a number of European routes.

The Air Canada CEO Calin Rovinescu stated “The launch of an Air Canada low-cost carrier represents pure growth in flying for our pilots and for the Air Canada family, the low-cost carrier] would allow Air Canada to maintain or grow its presence in these low-cost markets where we are no longer able to compete effectively against new entrants, return to markets we’ve had to abandon, and also enter new markets where we simply can’t compete” (Financial Post 8th August).

C-GHPD Boeing 767-300ER 

The Center for Pacific Aviation 10th August stated the airline off-setted reductions in the Canada-UK market in Q2 by strengthening frequencies on a number of routes including the Toronto-Dublin route which increased from six times weekly in 2011 to daily this year.

Air Canada operates a seasonal Toronto-Dublin route having re-commenced on the 8th of May operating daily using Boeing 767-300ER’s using Terminal 1 ACA894 arrives in Dublin at 0915 ACA895 departs at 1045 arriving into Toronto at 1305. On the 23rd May it was announced the route operation has been extended to 14th October operating daily to October 2nd then four times weekly (ITTN 13th August).

Irish Aviation Research Institute © 11th August 2012 All Rights Reserved.