
In an LinkedIn post Arab-Irish Chamber of Commerce (AICC) May 4 welcomed Emirates & Etihad interline agreement enabling customers of each airline  purchase a single ‘open jaw’  ticket to fly into either Dubai or Abu Dhabi hubs, with a seamless return via either hub, significantly increasing flexibility of doing business in the UAE.

Arab-Irish Chamber of Commerce stated “While ostensibly this agreement is to help boost UAE tourism, it’s also good news for Irish business leaders heading to the UAE for meetings and events, to explore new export opportunities and to gain on-the-ground insight into a really important market for Irish exporters. At the AICC, our whole focus is on making life easier for Irish companies looking east to grow their business and anything that supports this goal is to be welcomed”

The UAE imported more than €620 million worth of Irish goods last year, an increase of 23% on 2021, representing unprecedented opportunities for Irish exporters. According to economist, Jim Power in his recent report for the AICC, it is one of the most dynamic and diversified economies in the Arab region with significant growth potential for Irish businesses.

Emirates Airlines operates Dublin to Dubai 14 times weekly and Etihad Airways operates Dublin to Abu Dhabi daily.

Image Credit: Emirates Airlines

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